Thursday, January 31, 2013

Okay guys. We have all seen thousands of men and women on the internet doing gear reviews, gun reviews, and all sorts of tactical things. The one problem is, there is not many that try and relate and reach out to the newer/younger generation, which is a big mistake. 

My name is Tactical Carmo. I am 23 years old fresh out of AZ State University. I am going to start a blog, and this blog will be about; gun news, gear reviews, gun reviews, and really anything tactical, or that has to do with firearms. Including the politics side. We all know what the older generations point of view is, so I'm going to start throwing my own out there for the young generation. 

Don't get me wrong, I love the the other men and women that support our gun rights. I just thought the younger generation would enjoy and benefit from hearing a younger mans point of view.

My hat is off to younger guys like Mr. Colion Noir. He is part of the younger generation, and a true inspiration to me. He is one of few that has inspired me to start vocalizing my opinions, and get my word out there. 

This blog will be fun and informative, and lots of gun porn for us junkies to look at!