Just wanted to make a quick post about the Assault Weapon Ban. News is going around that local sheriff departments are standing up to our federal government. To tell you the truth, this news is exciting as a new President sounds! Its a flawless letter!
I have been in touch with my local department to give my support on standing up to the federal government. Basically what the departments are doing is, righting a letter to President Obama stating that they will not put up with federal interference on unconstitutional laws. These laws are anything from the assault weapons ban, to the high capacity mags.
If you want to read one of the best letters sent to MR. Obama I suggest you go to the Georgia Sheriff Association. There letter was spot on, and hit every point that needed to be made.
I urge you to get in contact with your local, and State Representative about these new laws! Also please, write your local sheriff department. Tell them that we will stand with you on the subject of federal interference.
We need to stand fast, and let our government know that we wont put up with this crap!
Thanks for reading, and please get in contact with officials.
Be strong. Stand fast. Remember the Constitution, and those who fought to protect it.
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